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And you, relentlessly screams… speaking to me in a language that has not been taught to me prior, looking through my eyes to my soul for a hint of understanding and when my tears fall, I hear a voice within me say “it’s ok mama, we will learn this together”.

You, you must have spent time with the angels – your language so pure, filled with whispers and giggles – I become a child again – I wonder who loves it better – you or I – I wonder if learning it from my bones, from the years I thought were long gone was the way God chose to bring joy back to my life – your language is a song sung in the keys of wonder, with no translation but joy. You call me back to a place where love wasn’t something one said-but something one simply was.

How was life before you darling? your beautiful soul charges every cell of my body and though I am not superhuman, I run as if the engine that powers me is invincible.

Flo Njeri

Author Flo Njeri

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